This term we have been looking closely at how can we support our learners in math. DMIC was a programme that I started last year, and now the rest of the school will be giving it a go. In class I am currently doing DMIC lessons twice a week, more if needed(based on the outcome of the lesson). This term our strand was statistics. This is what the elaborations state about statistical literacy:
Statistical literacy
S3-2: Evaluate the effectiveness of different displays in representing the findings of a statistical investigation or probability activity undertaken by others.
I notice that most students undertand and know how to make a bar graph, but could not label or say what it needed. So we did that as a warmup each lesson on statistics, we labelled and looked at various types of graphs- Line, dot, bar and pie graphs. Going thorugh the axis and labels each graph had. This will help students in thier groups when problem solving.
Warmp ups are usually for me simple math games, but to encourae and contribute to students better understanding of the lesson and task. I changed the warmup to suit the problem. This help quiet alot in our lessons as students could read the graph and understand what each part/label was about.
Using the elaborations as the mentors have told us has helped me to be more explicit in my teaching approach in math. A lesson I had done with a group of students was around the "free lunches" our school recieves. I made sure to make the content relatable for students and so they have something to connect to. Students analysed a graph about school lunches and made stataement about what they noticeand wonder.
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